
Bereavement Groups
Allyson has facilitated many bereavement groups throughout her years working in palliative care. As the Palliative Care Coordinator for Hospice Quinte, Allyson facilitated grief support groups for children, youth and adults coping with loss.
As a dedicated champion for mental health, Allyson partnered with The Enrichment Centre for Mental Health as a Co-Facilitator for several grief groups that supported families who have suffered a loss by suicide. She has continued her partnership with the Enrichment Centre as a Community Counsellor specializing in grief. Allyson has also worked with Addictions and Mental Health HPE and the Belleville and Quinte West Community Health Centre to facilitate bereavement groups for their clients who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
If you would like to book Allyson Tufts to facilitate a bereavement group, please contact her at 613-243-7746 or email her at allysontufts1@gmail.com.
As a trained facilitator Allyson’s portfolio also includes SafeTALK – (Suicide Alertness for Everyone).
Allyson works with The Enrichment Centre for Mental Health to offer half day training sessions in SafeTALK. SafeTALK stands for Suicide Alertness for Everyone. This half day course trains you to identify people with thoughts of suicide and it teaches you to connect them to a suicide first aid resource.
If you are interested in having Allyson Tufts facilitate a training session at your workplace or if you’d like to join a session at the centre, please contact her at 613-243-7746 or email her at allysontufts1@gmail.com.